Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mark 2:13-14

Jesus then heads back to the lake. I wonder where He was exactly: within Capernaum city limits (it's on the shore), along a road of some kind, or close to some fishermen on the beach. I ask because I am curious what kind of tax collector Levi was. Did he collect travel taxes? Did he collect taxes from the fishermen? If he levied taxes against the fishermen, Simon the Zealot was not the only one with whom Levi would have had confrontations. I'm sure Zebedee didn't appreciate paying his fishing taxes which in turn would affect Peter, Andrew, James and John.

Poor Levi.

Yet, Jesus called him. I love Jesus' spunk - especially since he waits a while after he's already called the fishermen. I would have liked to see Peter's face when Jesus said, "Follow me" to Levi. What would Peter have thought? What would Levi have thought?

And the event culminates in a feast/party. Neat story.

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