Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mark 1:35-39

Jesus gets up early - before dawn - after staying up late into the night with people.

Do I have that kind of drive? I know there are people who can function on only several hours of sleep, but I am one of those who likes my 7-8 hours. But even with that amount of sleep, am I getting up to meet with G-? Am I driven so much by His love that I can't wait to spend time with Him?

I must confess that I do not always do that. I am unfortunately driven more by guilt (which in this case is better than not being driven at all) than I am by love and a desire to simply be with G-D. Jesus did not miss that. His relationship with the Father was close.

To which we say, "Duh, Geoff. He's G-D." Yes, and G-D desires that same oneness with Him for all of us.

And after His prayer, He leaves the crowds and continues to go to synagogues and drive out demons. Busy guy.

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