Thursday, April 29, 2010

Mark 1:16-20

There's a traditional spot on the Sea of Galilee where Jesus called these disciples - a small waterfall splashes into the sea from springs. The fish like the mix of cool and warm water. I love the spot - it's where my wife and I took our first picture together before we were even dating. It's exciting to think that Jesus could have called His first disciples in that place.

I find it interesting that Jesus did not go to the synagogue to call his disciples. Why not start at the school? Instead, he chose guys that were working with their father in the family business. And I love their response: "At once they left their nets and followed Him."

I often ask myself if I have that same drive. Would I drop everything to passionately follow Jesus, or is He a side attraction that consumes a couple of minutes out of my day? Can I leave my livelihood to follow this prophet who speaks against the religious circles and welcomes IRS agents and prostitutes to dinner?

Could you?

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