Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mark 1:14-15

And so Jesus speaks, "The time has come...The kingdom of G-D is near. Repent and believe the good news!"

Mark could have chosen any saying or words of Jesus to put here, but he chose to talk about the kingdom and what our response should be. I hope to venture off into this idea of the "kingdom" but for now I want to reinterpret our response: repent and believe the good news. Put another way, "Turn 180 degrees and live like Me." Leave the mess you're in - the self-doubt, the pride, the consumer, the busy bee, the pornography, the gossip, the greed, the poor self-image, the "health/wealth gospel" - and be just like Jesus. Believe that He will do what He says He will do.

It's interesting that Jesus speaks of the "good news" before His death, burial, and resurrection. To what "good news" is He referring? I believe it goes back to the kingdom idea. "The kingdom of G-D is near." Stay tuned for more on the kingdom....

1 comment:

KC said...

I really like this thought at the end. "Believe that He will do what He says He will do." Which is easier to believe: in God, or Believe that He will do what He says He will do?

I think its easier to believe in God, rather than believe God.

It seems so simple, leave your life and live like Jesus. No matter what your life looks like, if it doesn't look like Jesus, than just stop. Live like Jesus.
