Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mark 5:1-3

Right after the storm on the abyss/sea, what would a person expect except to be confronted by a demon, or in this case, a slew of demons. As soon as Jesus steps out of the boat along comes a crazy man who could not be bound even with chains. (I think the disciples' fear only compounded at this sight.) We will talk more about this spiritual encounter next time.

If you hold an NIV in your hands, you can see a footnote in verse 1 regarding the location of this event. Gerasenes, Gadarenes, and Gergesenes are all options. The city of Gadara lies over 5 miles away from the Sea of Galilee, though excavations have located a harbor for the area. It is on the southeastern side. Gerasa (present-day Jerash lies many miles away from the Sea of Galilee, but was a major city in the Decapolis. The geography points to Gergesa as the city in which this encounter took place. Located along the northeastern shore of the Sea of Galilee, Gergesa is really the only place in which a herd of pigs can rush down a steep bank into the water. I should note, however, that all of these cities represented the Gentile world to Jesus and His disciples. Though close geographically, the two cultures of Jews and Gentiles did not mix at all. The very fact that Jesus wanted to go over there was remarkable because that was where evil dwells in the minds of the disciples. Once again, no wonder they were so terrified!

I love how Jesus already begins to live out His words, "...And the gates of Hades will not prevail against it!" Jesus is on the move; He wants the world to know of His message!

How are we when it comes to going out into dark places? Do we live like Jesus - going to people that are far beyond our comfort zones?

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