Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Gone but not Forgotten

I apologize for my absence. Jamie and I have been enjoying family and friends in beautiful (and cool) Colorado this past week. I am still recuperating from the exhaustion (emotional, spiritual, and physical) we experienced, but know that it was exhaustion of a good kind.

We began our "vacation" on Saturday night with a wedding, traveled all night to baptize 3 young guys and their mother Sunday morning (in a VERY cold river), met and stayed in the homes of many people we hold dear, taught an adult class on Wednesday night, cut enough dead aspen trees to make loads of furniture, met a new "niece" (what is the daughter of your wife's first cousin called?) and spent time with great family, and then culminated the weekend with a funeral for Jamie's great-granddad on Saturday morning (he was 97!). Are you now tired for us?

A near perfect way to celebrate life (only Sabbath was missing).

To those out there in blog-sphere whom we encountered, thank you for all you do to make Jamie and my life so full of G-D's rich blessings.

And thank you, Father, for all the blessings we have in and through Jesus!!!

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