Look at it in verse 18-19. The formerly demon-possessed guy wants to follow Jesus. Who wouldn't want that guy around as a walking testament to Jesus' power?! Yet Jesus sends him home and tells him to let his family and friends know how much the L-RD has done for him and how He has had mercy on him.
And the guy does it.
The next time we see Jesus on that side of the lake, the crowds are not pleading with Him to leave, but begging Him to heal!
I wonder if I have that same kind of passion that this demon-possessed guy had. He left Jesus not disappointed that he couldn't follow the L-RD around, but infused with life for what Jesus had done for him. He couldn't contain himself!
How about you? Do you have that same drive? When G-D says, "No" to your idea, do you say, "YES!" to His? This demon-possessed guy changed his whole area by saying "Yes" to Jesus and telling everyone he could about how the L-RD had mercy on him.
I want to be like that.